Bowel Repair Herbal Tincture


Bowel Herbs helps to reduce bowel disease, inflammation, parasites, diverticulitis, peptic ulcers, ulcercultis colitis, gastritis, hemorrhoids, leaky bowel, leaky gut, gastric secretion’s, improve microbiome,

Ingredients + Benefits

Bowel Repair Herbal Tincture helps to reduce bowel disease, inflammation, parasites, diverticulitis, peptic ulcers, ulcercultis colitis, gastritis, hemorrhoids, leaky bowel, leaky gut, improve gastric secretion’s, improve gut microbiome.


May alsoΒ reduce lung infections, stomach issues infections, pancreas, candida, malaria, covid 19, sars, pneumonia, many staph infections strains, rota virus, herps 1 & 2, salmonella, l zika virus, chikunga virus, influenza A & B, epstein barr virus, hep B, hepatitis, newcastle virus, chicken pox, mumps, measles, shingles, H1 N1, H6n2, H7N3, H9N2, meningitis. herps 1 & 2 virus, HIV, biofilm, avian flu, west nile virus, dengue fever. lyme carditis.

Andrographis : 1 : 4
Artemisia : 1 : 4
Astragalus ; ! ; 4
Cats Claw : 1 : 4
Licorice : 1 : 4


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